10 Ingredients your skin will love

A healthy skin is a sign of healthy body. We all desire a beautiful skin and look for various products that can make our skin shine. But most of the products we use turn out to be faking promises of a healthy radiant skin , instead make it worse. Instead of searching for the chemical based products , we need to be aware that the common ingredients that we use on a daily basis can work magic on our skin. They can do miracles , making our skin better and better each day.

I love being naturally beautiful which brings out the confidence in me and undoubtedly everyone wants that , so , here are the 10 powerful ingredients great for our skin:

Rose Extract

Pure rose extract will make your skin much more clear and smooth. It will make your skin brighter and complexion very vibrant. It moisturizes and revitalises the skin. It can also be used to heal scars. It also reduces oil on the surface of skin , thus helps in curing pimples and acne.


Clove is a warm spicy herb has been used as an effective antibacterial and antiseptic agent for thousands of years. It absorbs excess oil on the skin and controls pimples. It also absorbs other embedded impurities that can cause acne. It helps to get a clear, radiant skin.

Spearmint oil

Spearmint has antiseptic properties and relieves itchiness and irritation. It acts as refreshing skin tonic and cools down skin inflammation caused by skin blemishes and acne. Surprisingly it is also used to reduce facial hair.


Celery is very rich in vitamin C and A , which makes it a brilliant anti-ageing ingredient. It not only hydrates the skin but also removes the excess oil from the skin. It also helps in curing acne and removing scars left behind by gross pimples.

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri )

Brahmi, also known as Bacopa monnieri , is rich with anti-oxidants and thus , helps in getting a healthier skin. It promotes skin cell regeneration. It also helps in achieving a fairer skin complexion. It helps in removal of toxins from the skin too.

Neem oil

Neem oil works great for dry skin , relieving it of dryness and making skin soft and smooth. It promotes collagen production and thus, slows down aging of the skin. It also helps in treating acne. It can be used to get rid of big pimples, making skin clearer.

Lemon extract

Lemon extract has many properties which can help you with skin problems like wrinkles , acne , blemishes. It can also be used to heal a sun damaged skin. It can be used for a glowing and radiant skin with noticeable results in a short period of time.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a very powerful ingredient to fight acne. It reduces oil production. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. It can remove scars from the skin. It can help you get rid of dark circles and dark spots. It can turn dull skin to bright and beautiful.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a great moisturizer for the skin. It keeps the skin hydrated. It soothes the skin making it feel fresh. It also keeps the skin younger looking and free from any wrinkles. It can be used for bags under the eyes. It makes the skin healthy.

Avocado oil.

Avocado oil is a good choice for a sensitive skin. It helps in maintain healthy and smooth appearance of the skin. It nourishes the skin with Vitamin E which also prevents ageing of the skin. It makes the skin enhanced and tight.

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