We all go through phases when we can’t stop criticizing ourselves for some reason or the other. Cause could be anything but the important part is to come out of it and give yourself the love you truly deserve.

Why I am addressing this issue is because I have seen so many people around me showing hatred towards themselves or claiming directly or indirectly that they don’t really deserve happiness. This simply can be termed as ‘self-contempt’. This concept always goes ignored and people don’t realize the importance of considering it until it seriously affects their state of mind plus their health. The roots of this hatred towards oneself might belong to childhood or some bitter experiences in life which lead a person to not feeling enough. They feel that only outer experiences can make them feel good and don’t try to find the love and happiness from with in.

They need to develop an understanding that all the bitter experiences occur just to shape us. Talking about childhood experiences , we can definitely not undo them but forgive ourselves and the people who put us through those experiences that led to such a mindset. Forgiveness is the first step to everything.

When we talk about forgiveness , it does not simply mean to ‘not think about it’ which most people confuse it with. Forgiveness means to truly let go of every ounce of resentment that you hold. To not let the thought of that person or that circumstance rage you when it comes to your mind. Forgiveness can be practised not just towards others but also towards our own selves. It takes power to release the feelings of guilt and anger but once you achieve it , love fills the vaccum and that brings more power and joy to you.

Now we all hear that self love is very important but why? That is simply because that love is the purest of all. It makes us feel enough and that we don’t need anyone else to satiate our desire for love and care. We are love. We can give ourselves all that we expect from other people. The best part being – we find the power within ourselves. What other people tell us does not really affect us and we start looking at things with a very different perspective. There is no space for jealousy or insecurities when we know we have it all.

There are many ways in which we can work on self love. I would suggest you to go through some books based on it which can help you guide better plus they contain exercises that can assist you with it. Before I started working on self love I used to always say that I hate myself and if anyone used to say that they love themselves I would consider it a form of vanity until one day I finally realized how wrong I had been going. I started to watch lectures , read books and blogs about it and that in itself has been a journey which I am still enjoying. I personally used mirror technique the most in which you have to look into the mirror and say positive affirmations. Initially it was hard but it worked wonders for me. And I realized that self love is not just a feeling or an emotion , it is a complete state that has to be maintained.

No doubt you have to step out of your comfort zone because your mind is accustomed to certain thought patterns but once you achieve it , believe me , its can be the most beautiful thing you discovered in life. Good luck for your journey.

Thank you

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