We all go through phases when we can’t stop criticizing ourselves for some reason or the other. Cause could be anything but the important part is to come out of it and give yourself the love you truly deserve.

Why I am addressing this issue is because I have seen so many people around me showing hatred towards themselves or claiming directly or indirectly that they don’t really deserve happiness. This simply can be termed as ‘self-contempt’. This concept always goes ignored and people don’t realize the importance of considering it until it seriously affects their state of mind plus their health. The roots of this hatred towards oneself might belong to childhood or some bitter experiences in life which lead a person to not feeling enough. They feel that only outer experiences can make them feel good and don’t try to find the love and happiness from with in.

They need to develop an understanding that all the bitter experiences occur just to shape us. Talking about childhood experiences , we can definitely not undo them but forgive ourselves and the people who put us through those experiences that led to such a mindset. Forgiveness is the first step to everything.

When we talk about forgiveness , it does not simply mean to ‘not think about it’ which most people confuse it with. Forgiveness means to truly let go of every ounce of resentment that you hold. To not let the thought of that person or that circumstance rage you when it comes to your mind. Forgiveness can be practised not just towards others but also towards our own selves. It takes power to release the feelings of guilt and anger but once you achieve it , love fills the vaccum and that brings more power and joy to you.

Now we all hear that self love is very important but why? That is simply because that love is the purest of all. It makes us feel enough and that we don’t need anyone else to satiate our desire for love and care. We are love. We can give ourselves all that we expect from other people. The best part being – we find the power within ourselves. What other people tell us does not really affect us and we start looking at things with a very different perspective. There is no space for jealousy or insecurities when we know we have it all.

There are many ways in which we can work on self love. I would suggest you to go through some books based on it which can help you guide better plus they contain exercises that can assist you with it. Before I started working on self love I used to always say that I hate myself and if anyone used to say that they love themselves I would consider it a form of vanity until one day I finally realized how wrong I had been going. I started to watch lectures , read books and blogs about it and that in itself has been a journey which I am still enjoying. I personally used mirror technique the most in which you have to look into the mirror and say positive affirmations. Initially it was hard but it worked wonders for me. And I realized that self love is not just a feeling or an emotion , it is a complete state that has to be maintained.

No doubt you have to step out of your comfort zone because your mind is accustomed to certain thought patterns but once you achieve it , believe me , its can be the most beautiful thing you discovered in life. Good luck for your journey.

Thank you

|Photos that inspire you to be happy|

So as I was scrolling through my social media, I came across so many pictures that instantly brought a smile on my face. Looking at them I could dive into the deeper meaning of those pictures which undoubtedly made me feel blessed and happy.

It made me contemplate on how life is so full of beautiful moments. As a matter of fact we have the ability to extract and imbibe joy out of every little moment. Only if we could stop considering the problems and take time out to consider the things that deserve our sense of gratitude, we would understand that the essence of life is harmony and glee.

Here are a few of those pictures that might make your day tad more delightful –

I feel really glad to be able to share these pictures with you all.Life is full of colours and inspiration can be taken even from the starry night and the rising sun.

10 Cheap Luxury fragrances you must buy

Scents are of various kinds. We are lucky to be able to give to our body artificial scent by means of deodrants , perfumes , oils and many more. Perfume is a combination of aromatic compounds , essential oils , solvents, fixatives etc. to give our body a beautiful fragrance. It has become an essential element of our daily life. It can also be made out of plants and animal extracts. It comes in bottles of different shapes and sizes and prize can vary along a large range. We have luxury brands and non-luxury brands of perfume and they vary to a great extent.

Luxury Brands

This is the picture of some of luxury perfumes from my closet. I had to save a lot of money to buy these fragrances but it was all worth it. The one thing about luxury brands is that they are made by combination of rarer and expensive elements which gives it a quite different fragrance. I have found them very long lasting. The fragrance stays even after clothes being washed . Being made from high concentrations of natural ingredients they are completely harmless to the skin. Some of the expensive ingredients used are sandalwood , jasmine , oud , orris , musk and ambergris. When such elements come together , no doubt , it would lead to a heavenly fragrance. They are thick and don’t go away easily. Another feature about these luxury perfumes is the beautiful packaging they come in. It is their elegance that makes them even more prestigious.

Since they are mostly expensive, here are a few luxury perfumes that are perfect for any occassion plus fit in our budget:

Lomani Passion d’Or

Louis Cardin Eau de Parfum Women Subsense

Baug Sons Beyond Beauty

Lomani Chicissime

Tres Jour by Armaf

Espirit d’Oscar

Colors de Benetton

Alta Moda- Illusion

Flora by Gucci

Weekend by Burberry

These are my hand picked luxury fragrances that are in budget. You won’t regret buying them. Site where you can find all these perfumes is ,at great discounts.

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Why you should buy this Maxcare virgin coconut oil?

Maxcare Virgin Coconut Oil is that all in one product that we all are looking for. From skin care to weight loss , it helps in everything. It is made out of coconut milk with 100% purity. Completely natural , it is free from any harmful chemicals. It is organic with ingredients that are good for our skin , hair and body.

You can apply it on your hair after a wash that help detangle your hair and also give them a smooth and shiny appearance. You can also apply it 30 to 45 minutes before washing your hair. This retains the water in your hair keeping them hydrated , particularly needed for dry hair. It serves as a hair conditioner , making hair soft and manageable. It also fights dandruff and prevents dry scalp.

When it comes to skin, we are all very concerned. This oil is the solution to all your skin problems be it acne , dry skin or even scars. Applying it before sleeping can moisturize your skin , leaving it soft and clean. It makes your skin healthier. It prevents anti-ageing and provides nourishment to skin. Not just for adults , it can even be used on baby’s skin for a massage and for healing nappy rashes rashes.

It is edible so it can be used for dietary purposes too. It improves digestibility. It can be used for cooking various dishes. It improves health. It can help in weight loss by increase in metabolism . It improves HDL , LDL ratio and is rich in anti-oxidants. It is good for getting a healthy mouth. When you swish it in your mouth , it can help you get whiter teeth. It also prevents tooth decay , bleeding gums. You can also apply it on lips to make them soft and brighter.

You can easily find it online or local at normal prices.

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Celebrity looks that you might want to copy|2019|livingandlost

We all have our favourite celebrities whom we look up to. We also sometimes feel like copying their styles. They all have unique styles and they attract us so much that sometimes we feel like we were them. A lot of events have taken place by now where we got to see different looks by our favourite celebrities .

Celebrities like Kylie Jenner , CardiB and others are trendsetters. When it comes to hairstyles and clothes there is no limit to the creativity. Although not many of us can buy those super expensive clothes but we can definitely take an inspiration from these looks:

Romantic date ideas

  1. Beach is such a good place where you can have your best time with bae along the shores. Especially at night time when the tides are high and underneath the stars. The advantage is that there is not much crowd on the beaches at night so you can spend time alone without any disturbance

2. A garden can be a great place to spend time in peace with your loved one. Sitting on the grass with arms around each other and loving each other , oblivious to everything around is no doubt a great idea.

3. Watching a romantic movie together at home is a lovely way of spending time together . You can enjoy movie together and be with each other. It can be a good way of expression your feelings to the other person too.

4. Bring her/him to your home. Decorate it with flowers or lights or candles. Make a romantic set up so that when she/he sees it , falls in love with you again.

5. Date in a swimming pool is one of the hottest and most romantic date ever. Holding a glass of wine and kissing while standing in the pool is one of the first things that comes in mind when we think of a pool date.

6. Rain is a weather of romance. So, take your darling to the place where there is rain and enjoy the weather with each other. It is actually one of the most romantic things to imagine.

7. Cooking for your lover can be one of the cutest ways to show love. Surprise with a lovely dinner date , with everything cooked by you

8. If your partner is fond of reading books , its definitely not a bad idea to take them to a bookstore where you can read a good book together.

9. If the weather is cold , grab some pieces of wood , set them on fire , sit beside it , grab a blanket , wrap it around and there you go!

10. If you both are fond of animals , what can be better than visiting a zoo together. Watching animals and having romance together can be a fun thing.

11. Walk through the woods is another great idea . Nothing can be more peaceful.

12. Stargazing is another beautiful thing to do with your better half.

13. Sitting at a sunset point and enjoying the golden sky can me another amazing idea.

14. Ever thought of going on a hike together? Well, if not then give it a shot because it is a great idea to come closer to each other and get to know each other.

15. Even though I personally find it better to spend time in solace when on a date but going to a concert is not a bad plan if both are music lovers.

16. Long drives could be fun and romantic.

17. Bike ride with your partner could be thrilling and super fun with romance in the air.

18. Nothing can compare to watching live match of your favourite sports in a stadium or a ground and when your partner joins in , it seems even better.

19. Learn something together that you both can enjoy.

20. A spa or massage as a gift to your partner shows care and love.

21. Visit an amusement park and enjoy all the rides and fun stuff together while creating the love vibe

22. Camping with a bonfire under the starry night.

23. Go to famous holy places together.

24. Zoo because wildlife is love.

25. A candle light dinner.

26. Take your partner to their favourite restaurant and enjoy favourite cuisines.


Life is precious
We all got one
Once gone , no moment will return
It is your time
Live laugh love and learn.
Sometimes its black and white
You can't stand in the dark and wait for the light
Take a step , keep away every fear
No place for doubts here
Let the hero inside you rise and coward burn
That's how you live laugh love and learn.
People will try to cast you down
You can't change the fact
So let not the negativity impact
Life is a carnival
Celebrate it and have all the fun
Now you know ,
Live laugh love and learn.


She asks me to fear

She asks me not to dare

She tells me I am a loser

Why did I choose her!

When I had many choices

Now these voices

Are no more sweet but noises

I am trapped in a place

Where she fills the space

I cry so loud that my heart shouts

She tells me to doubt

She tells me I can’t win

As much I try to go out, she pulls me in

Its so annoying

That inside me she is growing

I tell her to stop

She tells me ” I have no other job”

I used to wonder who is she

Until I realized that its negativity

That slowly kills me

Keerat Anand

About me

Hey! this is me , Keerat , an 18 year old from India. Talking about my nature I have always been a very shy person. I am introvert at another level . But obviously once you loosen up with me , you will get to see a really wild part of me. I have always been very interested in writing so basically I am starting this blog as a hobby in my vacation before my college starts. I would love to take you through my story.
I love travelling but barely do I get a chance so all I do is look at the pictures and travel in my mind , which is my happy place. I also love reading quotes and posting them obviously. But I have still not been able to discover what really my passion is and the main problem that has been with me is that I have never been persistent in anything I have ever started. Reading is one thing one will never find me doing unless its about psychology or some cool historical facts. I am a very tomboyish sort of a person . I love being outdoors but again not into sports. By being outdoors I mean sitting on the grass , hearing the soothing sounds of nature and absorbing natural beauty until the city sounds take over , most irritating thing ever.

So, knowing that I am from India you would think that I am a very religious person but no! I am an atheist which makes it really hard for me sometimes because I come from a very religious family. But I am a firm believer in manifestation and guess what? everything falls into place quite easily for me. I just think that we create our own reality.

I am not too experienced but there have been many ups and downs in life which made me realize that we should not dread pain because that is what changes us. Life can be black and white sometimes but you need to extract beauty and positivity out of everything.

So , that’s all about me for now. Hoping to share with you all my journey.

Thank you!